Neuer McKinsey-CEO: Herausforderungen in Sicht!

Er ist seit dem 2. Juli offiziell im Amt und startet gleich mit einer Positionierung: Kevin Sneader übernimmt den Posten des Global Managing Partners bei McKinsey und sieht dabei nicht nur Positives auf sich zukommen.

Kevin Sneader, neuer Global Managing Partner von McKinsey (Bild: McKinsey)

Welchen Herausforderungen sich McKinsey ausgesetzt sieht, beschreibt Sneader wie folgt: „The reality is we face many challenges. The challenges range from the amount of scrutiny there is externally on our firm. I think we need to embrace this, understand that we are in the public arena, and if we’re in that arena, be as open and transparent as possible about ourselves—while also protecting and maintaining the confidentiality that our clients rightly expect about how we treat their information and what we do for them. That’s one challenge.

A second challenge is the war for talent. It’s incredibly hot. The good news is that our recruiting proposition seems to be stronger than ever. We’re ranked number one in terms of how we’re seen by prospective employees in North America, Europe, and Asia–Pacific. Nobody’s ever done that before. I’m not going to be so complacent as to assume that’s ours forever. We’re going to work very hard to keep that position.

A third challenge is that we face competition. There are new firms coming in to try to do what we do. These are organizations that come from hard-technology backgrounds as well as more traditional competition. We’re not going to rest on any laurels. We’re going to be constantly looking to innovate on top of the very strong base we have in top management consulting and the ways in which we think about solving problems. But add to that technology, and new organizational approaches. The last thing we should be doing is trying to stand still and pretend that the answer we had a few years ago will be the answer for tomorrow.

Aktuelle Video-Statements von Kevin Sneader finden sich hier im McKinsey Blog.

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